Academy’s Strategic Adviser presented at a meeting of the National Cyber Security Cluster at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine
On May 26, 2022, Professor Anatolii Marushchak presented the results of the research: “Legal principles of content moderation as a mean to counter disinformation” during the 11th meeting of the National Cyber Security Cluster.
The event “Action against disinformation and cyber threats: algorithm of communications on the international arena” was a joint effort of the National Coordination Center for Cybersecurity at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine and Representation of U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation in Ukraine, CRDF Global.
The 11th Cluster session provided the best practices of exchange and coordination efforts to counter disinformation in information and cyberspaces. The participants shared Ukrainian and international cases of responding to information and cyberthreats and examples of effective public-private partnership in this area.