Introduction to Cyberviolence held

Academy’s expert participated in C-PROC Webinar: Introduction to Cyberviolence held on 18th of June 2020

The purpose of the webinar was to introduce the subject matter of cyberviolence from the perspective of relevant topics that are inherently connected to the use of information and communications technology.

“Cyberviolence is the use of computer systems to cause, facilitate, or threaten violence against individuals that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suffering and may include the exploitation of the individual’s circumstances, characteristics or vulnerabilities.” (T-CY Mapping study on cyberviolence, 2019)

This definition, although still a work on progress, suggests an extreme breadth of topics that are covered by the concept of cyberviolence. Some of these – such as violence against women and girls, cyber-harassment, cyber-bullying and violations of privacy, as well as hate speech – will be discussed during the webinar.

However, it is equally important to treat cyberviolence as an area of cooperation between various actors and initiatives for ensuring safer online environment for everyone. This presents multiple opportunities for cyberviolence to serve as an “integration” concept between various related themes; cybercrime and criminal justice response in general, as well as specific powers and procedures for electronic evidence offered by the Budapest Convention, could be among possible avenues for such cooperation.

Moreover, in times of ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and continuing restrictions that increase reliance on the Internet, cyberviolence may be even more pervasive than before, and call for more coherent and coordinated approach between governments, private sector and the civil society.

This webinar was organized in the framework of joint European Union and Council of Europe CyberEast project aiming to support cyber resilience of the Eastern Partnership countries.